Access Lifts Offers Accessibility in Buffalo and Across Western New York

Make Your Home Safe and Accessible

Where we work mapMany people face limitations in their mobility, making stairs a challenge. Whether it’s from age or an underlying medical condition, everyone deserves to maneuver around their home on their own.

At Access Lifts, we work to provide people in the Buffalo area with mobility solutions for homes and businesses. Whether you’re in a wheelchair, have a walker or have difficulty with stairs, we have a mobility solution that will integrate into your home or building.

We Offer:

Why Add an Accessibility Solution

Making your home accessible for yourself or a loved one is a great way to gain independence and improve safety for everyone, especially those with limited mobility. You’ll be able to stay in your home for longer, as you will be prepared for the future. Concerned loved ones will also have peace of mind, worrying less about a potential fall.

Let us help you navigate what home accessibility product line will best suit your home, needs and budget.

Additionally, our mobility solutions are ADA-compliant, which is perfect for businesses.

Contact us today to schedule your appointment!

Find the mobility solution to meet your needs from the best team in Buffalo. Schedule a consultation today.